"Where the heart of education is the education of the heart."
Along with promoting spiritual maturity, Faith Christian School believes in fostering an attitude of academic excellence. It is our belief that children can excel if given the proper tools. Faith Christ School primarily has traditional teacher-directed classrooms in which we strive to promote a productive learning environment for each child. The teachers are dedicated to helping your child to achieve a mastery of the fundamental academic principles, with curriculum materials primarily from ABeka Book.
By offering classes from Pre-Kindergarten (K-4) through the twelfth grade, Faith Christian School is able to help train up a child through every step of his elementary and secondary education. In addition to academics, we promote a well-rounded education by providing the students opportunities to participate in drama performances, field trips, and other activities. Private piano lessons are also available to FCS students.
Faith Christian School is an approved member of the Michigan Association of Christian Schools (MACS).